Pontoon Strategy - Optima Decisions

The table below provides us with the optimal pontoon strategy for all game occasions (believe it or not). It's quite easy to use and master. Just choose your hand's total point in the first vertical column, and match it with number of cards you are holding (cell named "Total Cards"). The right answer is ready. Now it's your turn to act.

Pontoon strategy table

H = Hit;

S = Stand;

D = Double Down (if it's not permitted - then Hit);

Ds = DD if permitted, otherwise stand;

P = Split

Pontoon strategy table disadvantages

From the mathpoint ofview (which is a boring one for sure) - there are no disadvantages in pontoon strategy table. But hereis must be stated one more thing. The level of fun and joy which you achieve playing Pontoon (or any other blackjack card game) with table in mind is much lesser than during your 'free-mind' action. Most of players are playing only for win indeed. But is this a real purpose of a casino card game? Are you sure? The key word here is excitement. A very important ability is to make own decisions. Play with joy regardless of win or lose.And be sure-this paragraphwasn't sponsored by any casino. It's players experience talking here.

Try to memorize pontoon strategy

There are no problems of usage pontoon strategy playing at online casino. You just put it by your side and peep at this scheme the moment you need a hint. A good thing is to try to remember the pontoon strategy table and its responses while you are using it. And the last stage of your mastering this scheme is an actual pontoon card game play without the table by your side. And let the force of knowledge be with you.

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